Former Wall Street Veteran Reveals the Secret to Buying Profitable, Cash Flowing Businesses Without Banks, Credit, or Needing Millions.

Learn How to Buy Your First (Or Next) Business Today in Less Time & Less Money Out-Of-Pocket.
The Seller Financing Navigator

Your All-Access Pass to Wall Street's Unfair Advantage for Finding, Negotiating and Acquiring Cash-Flowing Businesses Using Seller Financing

What is Seller Financing?

Wall Street’s “Pay As You Profit” Strategy for Buying Profitable Businesses Using It’s Own Future Revenue

Seller Financing is where you strategically structure a deal where the business's cash flow covers the cost of acquisition, allowing you to become an owner with minimal upfront investment.

Think of it like this—When you buy a business with seller financing, you’re essentially taking over a business with a built-in payment plan.

  • No More Applying for Loans

  • No More Impossible Down Payments

  • No More Leveraging Credit

  • No More Risking Personal Capital

Seller Financing is all about partnering with sellers who are ready to exit, transferring ownership to you while they finance the deal.

And the best part?

You can master this system without needing decades of experience or an MBA.

Seller Financing is the Shortcut to Wealth Creation That You’ve Been Searching For...

The "Old Way" of Buying Businesses...
The Old Way
Traditional Business Buying
How Everyone Else Does It
Contrarian Thinking  arrow 4
Find a Business For Sale That is Within Your Budget
Negotiate with the Broker Representing the Business Listing
Apply for Financing
Put Up 10%-20% of Your Own Money to Secure the Loan
Easily Be $100K+ Out-Of-Pocket
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Finally... Close On the Business
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Spend Years Paying Back Your Investment Before Taking Profits
Contrarian Thinking  arrow 2
Acquire Slower
The "New Way"
(aka Seller FInancing)
The New Way
Seller Financing
The Smarter Path
Contrarian Thinking  arrow 1
Find a Business You Want to Buy

(Regardless of Your Budget)
Negotiate Directly with the Seller
Contrarian Thinking  arrow down 1
Close on the Business & Start Taking Profits From Day One
Acquire Faster!
Contrarian Thinking  arrow 3

Here’s What This Means For You...

  • You’ll No Longer Be Limited By Your Current Capital.

    While others are stuck lining up financing, battling rejection from banks, or slowly saving up for years... You'll be engaging directly with eager sellers, handpicking the businesses that align with your buying criteria.
  • Access opportunities that were previously out of reach.

    While others are limited by their savings accounts, stuck dreaming of owning a business but feeling financially restricted... you're strategically targeting businesses with strong cash flow, knowing they can finance your path to ownership.
  • negotiate from a position of strength and confidence.

    While others are at the mercy of lenders and potentially unfavorable interest rates... You're engaging in win-win partnerships with motivated sellers, structuring deals that benefit both parties.
  • Reduce Your Risk When Acquiring Businesses.

    While others are taking on debt and investing their own money.. you'll confidently navigate the world of acquisitions, knowing you've minimized risk by leveraging the business's own success to fuel your own.
  • Reach Your Financial Goals, Faster.

    Ditch the slow and uncertain path. While others are stuck in a cycle of saving and hoping, you'll be actively acquiring income-generating assets that build wealth for generations to come.
Course Outline
Unit 1: Introduction on Seller Financing
  • Why business buying: Buy vs Build

  • Why now: The State of Small Business

  • Why us: Who is Codie Sanchez?

Unit 2: Redefining Possibilities and Perfect Fit Sellers
  • Why you think you can’t buy a business

  • Mechanism: Overview of Seller Financing

  • Method: Benefits for the Seller & Buyer

  • Model: The Seller-Financing Avatar

Unit 3: Targeting the Ideal Deal: Finding, Convincing, and Structuring
  • Search: 4 Ways to Actually Find Seller-Financed Deals

  • Scrutinize: Analyzing the Business

  • Speak: Seller Engagement Process

  • Sell: Overcome Objections

Unit 4: Closing Deals: Live Conversations, Structuring, and Risk Mitigation
  • Show: Role Play w/ Conversations with Sellers

  • Structure: Structuring Your Deal

  • Sign: Negotiation and Closing Your Deal

  • Stumble: 22 Ways to Mess up a deal

Enroll Today & Get Instant Access to the Roadmap, Tools & the Confidence to Start Buying Businesses Using Seller Financing

Codie Sanchez Instructor

Meet Your Instructor Codie Sanchez

Codie Sanchez has built a $50M portfolio of 'boring businesses' by applying the same strategies she learned working among wolves on Wall Street.

As the founder and CEO of Contrarian Thinking, Codie helps people learn to think critically about money and build wealth through unconventional business buying strategies. She's a reformed journalist, Wall Streeter and investor.

Codie created Contrarian Thinking to spark a new generation of free thinkers and business owners. Will you be the next one?

Frequently Asked Questions

What will I learn in this course?

Strategies for buying businesses without going into debt: how to structure deals, negotiate terms, and secure favorable financing from the seller.

Can I cancel and get a refund if I'm not satisfied?

Yes, if you’re not happy with the course, there’s a 7 days 100% money back guarantee,

Who is this course for?

Anyone really. Teachers. Techies. Public servants. Anyone eager to buy cashflowing businesses with favorable terms. No previous experience necessary.

What is seller financing, and how does it work in the context of buying a business?

Seller financing is a method of purchasing a business where the seller provides a loan to the buyer to cover a portion of the purchase price. The buyer makes regular payments to the seller, typically with interest, over an agreed-upon period.

 What are the benefits of using seller financing to purchase a business?
  • Easier to qualify than traditional loans.

  • Greater repayment flexibility.

  • Have more confidence in your acquisitions.

  • May get approval where traditional financing falls short.

How common is seller financing in business acquisitions?

Quite common, especially for small and mid-sized businesses. It opens doors for buyers who might not have traditional financing options.

How does seller financing differ from traditional bank loans or financing options?

Seller financing differs from traditional bank loans in that it involves a direct financial arrangement between the buyer and seller, often bypassing the need for a third-party lender. This can offer more flexibility in terms and may be more accessible to buyers with limited credit or financial history.

Will this course work for someone new to investing?

No experience? No worries! This course has everything you need to become a master of seller-financing. We’ll transform your approach to wealth, aiming for long-term prosperity.

Can the course content be applied outside of the USA?

Absolutely, if you’re in a free market economy, you’re good to go. While we can’t cover every country’s laws, this course gives you the knowledge and tools to take advantage of seller financing wherever you are.

How much time will it take to complete the course?

Complete at your pace: With 4.5 hours of on-demand video and extra content, you can finish it in a day or a month. It’s your call.

Who is Codie and why is she the best person to teach this?

Codie Sanchez is a renowned expert in seller financing, with a track record of over 26 successful business acquisitions using this innovative strategy. As CEO of Contrarian Thinking Capital, she has mastered the art of structuring deals using seller financing, making her uniquely qualified to teach this course. Codie’s expertise in seller financing, combined with her dynamic teaching style and commitment to empowering entrepreneurs, sets her apart as the ultimate instructor for this course.